In this class we were divided up into our groups. I was put in the red group with Olly, Ben, Peter, Cliona and Pascal. All these people are in my class which is very convenient. In the class we talked about teamwork and working with a group and it’s difficulties. Especially in the world of design, teamwork plays an important part in a professional setting. In other modules and in our core studio work we are often asked to work in teams in preparation for this and to help us become comfortable in team settings. I personally have struggled to work in groups before but have also had very successful experiences with it. It can often be hard if one team member is not pulling their weight, but even when both parties are dedicated, if there are contrasting creative ideas, or if people are just set in their ways and are not open to change, conflict can occur. The best way is to let everyone's ideas be heard and fleshed out and to always be willing to go with what is best for the group rather than just you. However, this is often easier said than done!We didn’t get in contact with the whole group for a short while after the group divisions were given out but we got a Facebook groupchat together eventually and began to talk about organising a meeting.
Our first meeting was in a mocked up British town of some kind. Only four of the group were able to attend as two people were busy, it proved more difficult than I thought it would be to gather the six of us. Once we were together we began to brainstorm ideas. We talked a little bit about what sort of careers that we could look at or what sort of area or industry would be interesting to look into more. Construction was one option, and the idea of machinery that can lay bricks or 3D printed houses was considered. In the end an idea about shopping in the future was put forward which seemed to interest people more. Pascal shared a link to a video of VR shopping in China that he had seen. It was a concept where people could go to a virtual shop, walk around it and even try on clothes. It was an idea that I could see manifesting in the near future that could change the way that we shop. For many goods this would be inappropriate and even for clothes shopping, people like to touch and feel...
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