The first person I started to talk to was in a town square type of place.
I asked in the nearby chat if anyone wanted to talk to someone new to
Second Life who was here for college and one person jumped on the
opportunity. They were very nice and really interested to talk to me. I
asked them a few questions and found out that they play under an hour
a day but quite regularly and have been playing for over 8 years!
They seemed to have a lot of friends in the game so I asked if they see
people who end up spending too much time in the game and losing
control. They said that they have seen it many times but it is usually people
who don’t have a family, live in remote areas or have a disability.
He described how a disabled person can fly in SL. I found this attitude to SL
the same with the last people that I talked to, where it is seen as not just an
escape from the real world, but a part of their real world. What dawned on me
from this conversation was that today technology in computer generated graphics
and realistic games has improved so much since SLs release, and yet a world like SL
can still attract such loyal inhabitants. I can really see virtual worlds in the
future becoming even more popular and inhabited.
The second person I talked to was in a city type of road. This conversation was less
interesting and they were a much different type of SL player. They just play
occasionally with their friends, one of whom lives in another country. They said that their
friends play much more often but they still enjoy logging on once in a while.
interesting and they were a much different type of SL player. They just play
occasionally with their friends, one of whom lives in another country. They said that their
friends play much more often but they still enjoy logging on once in a while.
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